Saturday, December 17, 2005

Note To Mexico's National Human Rights Commission

"Mexico's National Human Rights Commission described the U.S. measure (to build a border fence) as "part of a tendency to criminalize migration with a wall that calls to mind the Berlin Wall."

...except, if I recall correctly, the Berlin wall was built to keep people in, not out, so I guess that comparison pretty much sucks!

Sidenote: though not scientific, this AOL poll is probably pretty indicative of American sentiment when it comes to protecting OUR borders.

Do you support a border fence between Mexico and the United States?
Total Votes: 83,688

So I suggest, IMHO, Mexican Human Rights Commission, that the human rights of your compatriots would be better served if you tried to deal with the profligate graft and corruption in your own country instead of preening about in mock moral outrage!

UPDATE: 12/18
Do you support a border fence between Mexico and the United States?
Total Votes: 231,889