Thursday, October 20, 2005

If You're in L. A. This Weekend

Jason Apuzzo has a spot on column out over at Townhall.

"Hollywood conservatives getting it together
The untold story of those
changing Hollywood from within"

Some Outtakes:

"Over the past thirty-five years, conservatives have grown so accustomed to
using Hollywood as a whipping-post, they occasionally fail to notice positive
developments within the entertainment industry."

"Many of these producers will be speaking at this weekend's conservative Liberty Film Festival in
Hollywood, on panels dealing with film and TV finance, production and
distribution. This sort of gathering of conservative industry professionals has
never taken place before."

"Conservatives justifiably complain that the liberal media isn't getting
the ‘real story’ out about positive change in Iraq. I like to say that
conservatives aren't always getting the ‘real story’ out about positive change
in Hollywood, either. "

You know, it worked in the publishing industry. Up until a few years ago, most conservative writers couldn't even get a meeting with the mainstream publishing houses. But once these businesses realized the profit potential in this vastly untapped sector, they broke their necks to establish new imprints to capitalize on this market. (so much for their ideological integrity)